Lost & Found Cat Resources for a feral cat

Alley Cat Allies Resources

Low-Cost Vet Care Directory Animal Food Bank Directory
Research | Trap-Neuter-Return, Veterinarian Awareness

Community Cats and the Public: A Healthy Relationship

The science behind why feral cats are safe members of our communities.

Guide/How-to | Alley Cat Allies, Cats and Wildlife

Alley Cat Allies’ Ant Proof Bowl Recommendations

Ant-proof bowls are great for summer feeding! Learn the best ways and the right bowls to keep food and water free of bugs in warm weather.

Brochures | Alley Cat Allies

How to Live With Cats in Your Neighborhood

Two cats eating at DIY feeding station.

Have outdoor cats in your neighborhood and don't know what to do? Learn how to keep cats out of your yard with cat repellents and Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR).

Fact Sheet | Anti-Cruelty, Trap-Neuter-Return

Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) is Not Abandonment And Local Laws Must Reflect It

TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) is NOT abandonment. When community cats are returned, they are going back to the outdoor homes where they have been living and thriving. Learn more.

Newsletter | Alley Cat Allies

Fearlessly Defending Cats and All Animals

Newsletter | Alley Cat Allies

Making Critical Change for Cats in Wake of Hurricane Ida and More

Publications | Trap-Neuter-Return

Alley Cat Allies Exposes Misrepresentation of TNR in The New Yorker

Guide/How-to | Kittens / "Leave Them Be"

How Old Is That Kitten? Kitten Progression: At-a-Glance

Check out our newborn kitten progression chart. Get important answers to questions like: how to tell how old a kitten is and when do cats open their eyes?

Case Studies | Animal Shelter

Case Study: Johnson County Animal Shelter

Guide/How-to | Shelter Transformation

How to Support Trap-Neuter-Return in Your Community without Doing It All

Want to embrace Trap-Neuter-Return but your organization is short on resources? This guide helps you support Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) in the community without taking on the role of creating and operating the entire program.

Guide/How-to | Kittens / "Leave Them Be", Shelter Transformation

Saving Cats and Kittens with a Foster Care Program

Foster care programs will enable shelters to dramatically improve live release rates for cats that means more lives saved! This guide will help you get your foster program off the ground quickly and avoid common pitfalls and difficulties. It even includes easy-to-use worksheets!

Guide/How-to | Shelter Transformation

“What about Complaints?” Managing Communications When Your Shelter Adopts a SNR or TNR Policy

This guide provides real-life advice and information from animal services directors who have implemented Shelter-Neuter-Return (SNR) or Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) programs. It will help you address questions about your program or help you make decisions about launching a new program.