Addressing Violent Threats Against Cats

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If someone threatens the cats you care for, you should take it very seriously. There are things you can do to prevent threats from escalating, especially because the law is on your side. Intentionally injuring or killing a cat is a criminal offense.

If someone is threatening cats:

Notify the police.

In order to have an official police record of a violent threat, notify local law enforcement immediately and explain the situation in detail. Document the threats if at all possible, and share any voicemails, written notes, emails, or texts threatening the cats.

Find more information on working with law enforcement to protect cats.

If you know who is making the threats, think about talking to that person.

Consider having a conversation about how to resolve any issues the person has with the cats, if you feel that he or she can be reasoned with and that it is safe for you to do so. See our information on what to do if neighbors complain.

If the person making threats is volatile, do not confront him or her. If you must interact with the person, be sure to bring a friend.

If you don’t know who is making the threats, post signs or flyers to alert your community that threats have been made against the cats, that the threatened actions are a crime, and that someone is looking out for the cats’ well-being.

Consider installing a video camera to document all activity and deter malicious behavior.

Video cameras will aid with evidence for any cruelty cases and deter anyone who might harm the cats from coming onto the property.

Taking proactive steps, like educating your neighbors about community cats and Trap-Neuter-Return, can be helpful in avoiding complaints and violent threats. Be sure to see our information about community relations.

If the threats have escalated into actions that have harmed a cat you care for, contact your local authorities to report the crime and see our information on what to do if cats you care for have been harmed or killed.

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