Foster Cat Adoption Tips

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If you’ve found a friendly stray cat and have looked for her previous home without success, you can try to find her a new forever family. But if you feel like you don’t have the capacity to foster her while you try to find adopters, don’t take her to the shelter. She is much safer outside than going into the shelter, where she could be killed.

Fostering is rewarding and fun, and if you want to take it on, that’s fantastic! Follow these six steps to help get your foster kitty adopted:

1. Help the cat look and feel her best!

Have the kitty spayed or neutered and vaccinated if you can. This is one less thing for new adopters to worry about, and it will ensure no new kittens are born.

2. Publicize the cat.

Flyers with a color photo and a thorough description of the cat can be very effective. Give the cat a name and include a funny story, or share a few details about what makes her special. Have fun with it! Post the flyer in coffee shops, veterinary offices, pet supply stores, and other community bulletin boards around town.

3. Contact local rescues and breed-specific rescues.

If your stray cat is a recognizable breed, a breed-specific rescue group may be able to place the cat right away. Though we don’t recommend taking the cat to a shelter, local shelters or animal groups might allow you to participate in an adoption event, post on their courtesy pet listings, or post a flyer on their bulletin board or website.

4. Spread the word!

Talk about your adoptable cat with your friends, family, coworkers, organization and club meetings, your place of worship, or your veterinarian. You could even create a “profile” for your foster kitty on Facebook or Twitter! Ask your friends to like, share, and spread the word!

5. Be creative and persistent!

Finding the cat a home can take some work, but if you stay positive and keep at it your persistence will be rewarded. The key thing the cat has going for her is you!

6. YOU are the cat’s best hope for finding a new home.

Remember shelters and rescue groups can’t focus their efforts on this one cat like you can, so you can be the best advocate for the kitty!

Here are 5 more tips for getting a stray cat adopted.

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