Animal control officers in Birmingham, Alabama, are targeting cats and their caregivers. We urgently need your help to stop the persecution, protect cats, and push for lifesaving programs.
In a recent disturbing video, a cat named Nemo was lured from the porch of her own home by Birmingham animal control officers, who then needlessly impounded her.
There have also been reports of cat caregivers being harassed and threatened with fines by authorities from around the city. Birmingham does not support Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR), the only humane and effective approach to community cats, and is actively hindering it.
Alley Cat Allies sent a letter to Birmingham’s mayor and city council urging them to stop targeting cats immediately, but they failed to respond. Now, as we explore legal action, we’re asking people like you to speak out with us in defense of Birmingham’s cats.
We especially call on residents of Birmingham, and all of Alabama, to take action. Birmingham residents speaking out will have the most impact, so please share our Action Alert with everyone you know in Birmingham and surrounding communities.
However, voices from far and wide will make it clear to the city: We are watching, and we won’t tolerate this cruelty to cats and their caregivers.