Ambler, PA: TNR Works, Feeding Bans Do Not
… willing to help cats and their community, and they prevent the only humane and effective approach to community cats (unowned cats who live outdoors): Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR). We strongly recommend rejecting this feeding ban and urge you to support TNR instead.
Alley Cat Allies is the leader of the global movement to protect and …
Pleasant Hill: TNR is the Only Humane and Effective Approach to Community Cats
… to community cats that improves cats’ lives and the community—and that is TNR. Through TNR, community cats are humanely trapped; brought to a veterinary clinic to be spayed or neutered, eartipped (the universal sign that a cat has been spayed or neutered through a TNR program), and vaccinated; and then are returned to their
Go to: Pleasant Hill: TNR is the Only Humane and Effective Approach to Community Cats
Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) in Action in Granite Shoals, Texas
… with a Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program.
Alley Cat Allies condemned the comments and worked with local advocates and officials in the city to implement and protect TNR, including by providing heavy input on the city’s TNR ordinance—passed in March of 2024. Now we’re helping the community put TNR into action—including …
Go to: Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) in Action in Granite Shoals, Texas
Learn the Top TNR Tips
… microchipped with their caregiver or TNR advocate information.
3. RETURN: After the cats recover, return them to their outdoor home where they were trapped.
To emphasize, ALL TNR should include:
1. Vaccination
2. Eartipping
3. Microchipping
Vaccination is a key component of TNR, and it’s not true TNR without it. The standard vaccines include …
Go to: Learn the Top TNR Tips
Lamar, Missouri: Trap-Neuter-Return is Not Abandonment
Alley Cat Allies sent the following letter to the mayor and city council of Lamar, Missouri. Currently, in the city, Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR), the only humane and effective approach to community cats, is being equated with abandonment. TNR is not abandonment, including by the standards of Lamar’s own animal laws. It is a …
Go to: Lamar, Missouri: Trap-Neuter-Return is Not Abandonment
Defending TNR and Community Cats
… Cat Allies broke through barriers, proved the efficacy of TNR, and launched it into the mainstream. Today, TNR programs thrive in communities around the world.
But though TNR is backed by science and popular demand, it still faces dangerously misinformed portrayals in the media and beyond. TNR opposition calls for killing cats outdoors, all while …
Alley Cat Allies Exposes Misrepresentation of TNR in The New Yorker
… the cats’ health and address community health concerns—though it’s critical to note that cats are extremely unlikely to spread rabies, toxoplasmosis, or any other diseases. The success of community TNR programs is studied and documented.
TNR is also the primary way community cats with other medical issues receive the care they need— despite
Go to: Alley Cat Allies Exposes Misrepresentation of TNR in The New Yorker
Alley Cat Allies Helps Granite Shoals Adopt Lifesaving Trap-Neuter-Return Ordinance
This week, Granite Shoals, Texas, approved an update to its animal ordinance with heavy input from Alley Cat Allies that protects Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) and community cats throughout the city. This victory is the result of months of our guidance and hard work with the Granite Shoals community, sparked by horrific comments about killing …
Go to: Alley Cat Allies Helps Granite Shoals Adopt Lifesaving Trap-Neuter-Return Ordinance
TNR Squad' rel="bookmark">Fried's Cat Shelter-TNR Squad
Services Offered: spay/neuter, vaccinations, trap loans
Community Cat Policies: loan traps, spay/neuter, ear tip and vaccinate the feral cats under your care. Call or email for more information:
Other Info: For feral cats/colonies only. No house pets
County: LaPorte
Alley Cat Allies Supports Rhode Island Bill to Protect TNR
Alley Cat Allies sent the following letter in support of Rhode Island HB 7075, which will support and protect Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) in Rhode Island.
Learn why TNR is the only humane and effective approach to community cats at
February 1, 2024
The Honorable Robert E. Craven, Chair
House Judiciary Committee …
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