Meet Sunny, cat number 3000 neutered through our latest work in Atlantic County, New Jersey!

In 2022, Alley Cat Allies launched a program with The Humane Society of Atlantic County to provide spay and neuter, vaccination, and other needed veterinary treatment for cats in the county—with a focus on community cats. Between October 2023 and today, we reached 1000 cats and kittens with life-changing access to care. And we’re not slowing down!

This achievement is on top of the thousands more cats who have been spayed or neutered, including through Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR), since our 2022 kickoff—and the tens of thousands of pounds of cat food provided through our support of Atlantic County’s new community cat food bank.

Alley Cat Allies has been working in Atlantic County to save cats’ lives for decades, and this latest program is a model of holistic, multi-pronged support for cats, kittens, and their caregivers. With our programs, spay and neuter and vaccination is never where the buck stops. Any other care a cat needs, from flea treatment to surgery, we always provide.

Sunny, for example, needed treatment for an eye infection along with his neuter and vaccination. Our grant covered all costs, and he healed quickly. What’s more, he’s been adopted!

We can’t wait to celebrate the next 1000 cat achievement! The next phase of our program will also help thousands more cats and kittens through food bank support alone.

The new food bank is targeted mainly to community cat caregivers in the area, but is also available to residents who need help affording food for their indoor cats. As always, food will be distributed by HSAC to its partner TNR organizations, who will then ensure caregivers receive it. Through these on-the-ground advocates, we’re identifying where the need is greatest and providing support right away.

YOU Make it All Possible.

Our lifesaving work in Atlantic County—and beyond—is only possible because of our compassionate supporters like you. Thank you for helping us save millions of cats around the world.

Please consider a gift to support our Atlantic County program and our global campaigns to protect and improve cats’ lives.

Go back to the beginning with the story of our Atlantic City Boardwalk Cats Project®.