At Alley Cat Allies, we are first and foremost advocates. The work is challenging as we confront animal cruelty head-on and carefully navigate systemic threats to cats. Our staff and board are committed to working every day to protect and improve the lives of cats everywhere.

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Leadership | Programs


LynAy Bundick, Community Outreach and Humane Care
Kim Hons, Program Operations Consultant
Coryn Julien, Program Communications Officer
Jessica Kern, Director of Direct Response
Dana Lehman, Community Outreach and Humane Care
Linda Oh, CFO
Melanie Pino-Elliott, Development Manager
John Sours, Multimedia Designer

Humane Law & Policy

Calley Gerber, Consulting Attorney
DanaMarie Pannella, Consulting Attorney

Scientific Advisor

Gregory Matthews, PhD
G. Robert Weedon, DVM, MPH


width="164"Frank the Feral aka: #FranktheFeral

Frank is a friendly feral cat who attends Alley Cat Allies’ events to advocate for his fellow felines. He enjoys meeting people and taking pictures with them. Want to meet Frank? Attend an Alley Cat Allies event he just might make an appearance!

