Your Alley Cat Allies update on the cats’ and kittens’ lives we’ve most recently saved. All of our critical work is only possible through the compassion and generosity of our donors and supporters like you. Every gift has an impact:
Meet Cat #1000 Helped in Atlantic County
Alley Cat Allies had a goal to spay or neuter 1000 cats between May and November of 2023 as part of our ongoing work with the Humane Society of Atlantic County, New Jersey. We did it, and we’d like you to meet cat #1000!
Logan, who’s just a kitten, needed to be neutered AND required reconstructive surgery for an injury to his mouth. We covered the costs of it all, and he’s recovering beautifully!
The 1000 cats and kittens helped this summer and fall are on top of 1000+ cats we’ve already helped through our latest initiative in Atlantic County–and that’s just our most recent work there. We’ve been protecting cats and kittens in the community since 2000!
DO NOT Feed Your Cat These Thanksgiving Foods
With Thanksgiving this week, many people may already be thinking of sharing the delicious feast with the cats in their lives. But please spread the word that many foods on the menu can cause harm to cats, like…
- Turkey bones. Cooked bones can splinter and cause mouth damage and major internal damage.
- Onion/garlic. Both are very toxic to cats and dogs.
- Grapes/raisins. These are toxic and can cause kidney damage.
- Chocolate. It is poisonous to cats and can be fatal in high doses.
- Other foods, like ham and turkey skin, are far too fatty and salty and can cause harm to a cat who eats too much of them. They may also have dangerous seasonings.
To play it safe: Only feed cats food and treats formulated for them. If you really want to share, give cats a bit of unseasoned, boneless, skinless and COOKED turkey.
Blind Kitten Elizabeth is in Good Hands
Meet Elizabeth! She and her siblings, all 6 weeks old, are receiving care through an Alley Cat Allies veterinary grant for several medical concerns. Yet despite it all, Elizabeth is sweet and playful, if still a bit shy.
Elizabeth is blind, but she’s learning to navigate her surroundings (a bit clumsily, like most kittens her age!) and is recovering well. Thank YOU for making it possible to save kittens like Elizabeth every day!
This past year, Alley Cat Allies has been working with Tiny Paws Kitten Rescue in Oklahoma to save the most vulnerable kittens, and our effort together is ongoing. There are far more kittens’ lives to save!
Catching Up With Copper
There’s no better feeling than checking in with one of our adopted cats and seeing them living their best life!
This week, we got to catch up with Copper, now named Gatsby, for the first time since he was adopted. When we first met Gatsby, he was a sickly kitten in need of immediate veterinary care. We ensured he received treatment, fostered him until he was ready, and then found him the perfect forever home.
To say Gatsby’s family adores him is an understatement. As for us, we can’t get over how much he’s grown!