What To Do If You Find a Cat Outdoors

The answer depends on the cat! Cats can have unique needs based on many factors, and we'll walk you through the basics in this quick guide.

How To Keep Community Cats in an Area

By creating a welcoming space tailored to the needs and instincts of these independent kitties, you'll create an environment that's rewarding for both cats and people. Plus, you can get creative and have fun! Before we start to customize, let's go over the necessities for the perfect community cat environment.

Negotiating Tips

Negotiating is what happens when you discuss opposing viewpoints and come to a mutually agreed upon resolution. When it comes to negotiating for community cats, the end result can save or endanger cats' lives. Negotiating can be tricky, but our negotiating tips will help.

How to Handle a Citation or Fine

Being threatened with or receiving a citation can be a very difficult and scary situation. Alley Cat Allies cannot provide legal advice, but we do have some resources that should help.

If Cats You Care for Have Been Harmed or Killed

Confronting animal cruelty can be overwhelming, but the cats need your help. As you may know, intentionally harming or killing a cat is illegalwhether they're owned, stray, or unowned. If someone has harmed the cats you care for, there are steps you can take.

Working With Law Enforcement to Protect Cats

If someone has made threats against the cats you care for, or if the cats have already been harmed or killed, you should immediately file a police report.

Defending Cats Against Misinformation

Misinformation about cats can result in misguided polices that lead to cats being killed. It's important to look at the facts, rather than believe sensationalized media hype or emotional arguments. You can help protect cats, and debunk misinformation that might come up during discussions or conflicts about community cats, by knowing accurate information.

Educating Others

They might know Garfield and Grumpy Cat, but even a big cat lover might not know about community cats. That's okay: YOU can teach them all about these wonderful felines and convert them to community cat lovers! But even if they aren't cat lovers and never will be, educating your neighbors about community cats will help them understand that Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) will help the communityand that it's something everyone can get behind.

Financial Resources for Cats

Caring for cats is rewarding, but it can also be expensive. If you feel like costs keep adding up, there are a lot of approaches and resources to help you fund your efforts, so you can get back to what you do bestcaring for cats!

Be Prepared for Disasters