On August 25 in Walton County, Florida, a man shot MommaCat in cold blood right in front of her caregivers. Even as they begged him to stop, he ignored them and shot her again.

A Walton County police officer responded and refused to do anything. And despite a clear case of animal cruelty and pressure from Alley Cat Allies and thousands of citizens, the Sheriff’s Department declined to charge the shooter.

Similar cases are happening all the time, all over the country. We can’t remain silent when the intentional cruel killing of cats is ignored. We need you to join with us now on this issue.

Add your voice right now to tell local authorities to prosecute animal cruelty to the fullest extent of the law whether the cats killed are pets, stray, or feral. We can’t allow these outrageous crimes against cats to go unpunished.

Sign the petition.