Patti, a steadfast donor to Alley Cat Allies since 2017, can’t remember a time she didn’t live with cats. She grew up in the 1960s with outdoor cats—but it was one very special cat who inspired her to become a dedicated advocate.

In June 2011, tabby cat Zippy wandered into Patti’s yard, and they formed a strong bond. Through Alley Cat Allies’ expansive online resources, Patti learned how to do TNR–and Zippy was her first success.

Today, Zippy is an ambassador for community cats in his Michigan neighborhood, and he and Patti are still best friends.

“Zippy has educated neighbors that [community cats] deserve a place in the community. I respect his boundaries and appreciate his trust. I am thankful he has chosen me,” says Patti.

Patti’s neighbors now know her as the community cat expert and go straight to her for help. Alley Cat Allies is proud to have been part of Patti’s journey to lifesaving advocacy, and we thank her deeply for her generosity. Both on the ground and through her gifts, she’s making a true difference for cats!

You can make a difference too with a donation at Or, consider a planned gift at (CFC#10964) (EIN #52-1742079).
For more information, call 866-309-6207.

If you are already a donor, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You are helping us save cats’ lives every single day.