How to save & take care of a kitten and feral cats - an advocacy tool kit


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Pet Food Banks: Cans for Kritters

This organization is a “”judgement free, non-discriminatory group [who will] assist anyone needing help getting their dog or cat Speutered.”” They do this by collecting aluminum cans and donations from the community to help assist with lowering the cost of surgery, providing transportation, or providing education on the subject. If you have soda, beer, or cat-food cans to donate, the HSWA has a collection bin at the Cat Adoption Center in Northport. You can learn more about their organization here:

Services Offered: It is so important that you spay and neuter your pets to help control the population of unwanted pets. According to the Alabama Spay/Neuter Clinic, every year “”Alabama animal shelters euthanize over 150,000 dogs and cats.”” Leaving your pets unaltered also leaves them susceptible to diseases like cancer. With numerous charities and organizations operating to help get animals spayed/neutered in Alabama, there is no longer an excuse not to get your pets fixed!


The Humane Society of West Alabama does not, unfortunately, offer spay/neuter services for animals other than those adopted from us. Due to the small size of our organization, and the fact we are 100% volunteer and run entirely off of donations, we are unable to provide this service. However, there are many other organizations in our area that are readily available to assist.