The U.S. National Park Service (NPS) plans to REMOVE AND KILL cats living on a famous trail in San Juan, Puerto Rico. To protect them, we have to act NOW.
Alley Cat Allies filed a federal lawsuit to stop the NPS’ deadly plan, and the judge will rule very soon. Before that, we must make our voices heard for Puerto Rico’s cats. This is the time to act, speak out, and demand that the NPS back down now. #SaveSanJuanCats.
Join us for a worldwide protest to stop the NPS. Some of the most impactful action you can take right now is to SHARE our posts and to CREATE posts of your own. Learn more at
Post on all social media platforms—NPS: Don’t Kill Puerto Rico Cats and tag Alley Cat Allies. We may share your post!
- Make your own signs with messages like ‘I stand with Puerto Rico’s cats’. Hold a protest with those signs in your community and include friends, family, and community members who care about cats.
- Include a # of where you’re from to show that our fight is global.
- Post pictures/videos on your social media of choice with #SaveSanJuanCats.
- Let people know in your post that the U.S. National Park Service is trying to needlessly remove and kill community cats living on a famous trail in Puerto Rico. This is the time to spread awareness and put the pressure on.
Compassionate advocates from Puerto Rico to Sweden, Ohio to Switzerland, have raised their voices for the cats of San Juan. We hope their simple but impactful action inspires you!
Share our graphics and posts to raise awareness.
SHARE THIS ON: Facebook | X | Instagram | Bluesky | Threads | LinkedIn
We also encourage you to follow us on all platforms, where we are posting constant updates on our Worldwide Protest to save Puerto Rico’s cats.
Why SHARING is critical:
– We have to spread the word about the horrific action NPS wants to take against cats.
– The judge’s decision on our lawsuit against the NPS’ cruel plan is due any day. We have to speak out louder than ever before then to make it clear that we stand with the cats.
– Just a click can help to raise our collective voice louder for Puerto Rico’s cats.