How to save & take care of a kitten and feral cats - an advocacy tool kit

Reducing Shelter Admissions and Saving Lives with a Cat Help Desk

Guide/How-to| Shelter Transformation

IMPORTANT: Even in the best case scenarios relocation can be very dangerous for cats and ineffective. Relocation is stressful for cats and since community cats are not socialized to people they can be unpredictable. Community cats bond to their outdoor homes and will try to go backin some cases cats have died in the process, when people misguidedly believe that their life will be better someplace else.

Reducing Shelter Admissions and Saving Lives with a Cat Help Desk

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Starting a Cat Help Desk saves cats’ lives by keeping cats out of shelters in the first place. The Cat Help Desk is where the public can contact and get the information they need to make the right decisions on behalf of cats. This guide walks you through setting up your own Cat Help Desk and handling common questions.

About the Shelter Series

This guide is part of the Shelter Series, which was created to empower shelters to take charge and make humane, lifesaving change. The Shelter Series is four toolkits that provide detailed guides on creating programs to manage concerns about cats and Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR), provide foster care, and effectively communicate with the public.