New Hampshire could become the next state in the nation to ban the harmful and traumatic practice of cat declawing.
Right now, the General Court of New Hampshire is considering HB 231, a bill that would prohibit the declawing of cats throughout the state. HB 231 is currently in the New Hampshire House of Representatives and if it passes there, it will move on to the New Hampshire Senate and closer to becoming law.
Alley Cat Allies is advocating in support of the bill and rallying New Hampshire residents to voice their own support. If you live in the state, please ask your state representative to support HB 231 and Keep Cats’ Claws on Their Paws. It will only take a couple of minutes.
Declaw surgery is not a nail trim, but a surgical amputation of the last joints of a cat’s toes. Declawing is almost always nontherapeutic, meaning it has no medical benefit to the cat.
Thanks to our work together, New York, Maryland and 16 major cities in the United States have already banned declawing to protect the wellbeing of cats. This is our chance to ensure New Hampshire joins them.
We will keep you updated as the bill moves forward. What you can do right now: Share this action alert with everyone you know in New Hampshire and learn the facts about cat declawing.