Radnor Township in Pennsylvania has thrown out proposed language that would have legally defined as owners the caregivers of feral catscats who are not owned and who make their home outdoors. The action follows on the heels of a resolution passed unanimously by the township’s commissioners earlier this month that supports Trap-Neuter-Return as “the most effective way” to reduce the population of outdoor cats.

Earlier this year, Radnor commissioners proposed the addition of new language to an existing ordinance that would make caregivers of outdoor cats their legal owners. The ordinance also discouraged the feeding of outdoor cats. Alley Cat Allies wrote a letter to Radnor commissioners objecting to the language and other portions of the ordinance that would hurt cats and caregivers without making a dent in the outdoor cat population.

This is a huge victory for cats and for the caregivers who so selflessly look after them. Kudos to the commissioners for listening to the voices of reason and compassion in the community!

Read the press release.