Fact Sheet| Alley Cat Allies


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Learn how you can build a feeding station for the community cats in your neighborhood. This DIY station will keep food and water safe from the elements and help cats feel comfortable and at ease at meal time. It’s easy, it’s cheap, and the community cats you care for will love it!

Remember: Remove any uneaten food after 30 minutes, or when the cats are all finished eating. This critical step helps keep the area clean and bug-free!

Interested in other options? Check out our Feeding Station Gallery.

Watch the Video

What You’ll Need

  • A large plastic tub (approximately 30 gallons)
  • Permanent marker
  • Ruler
  • Hair dryer
  • Box cutter
  • Duct tape
  • Two pressure treated 2x4s a few inches taller than the tub (approximately 18 inches)
  • Power drill
  • Wood screws

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. width="300"1. Use a ruler to mark the opening with a permanent marker. Be sure to mark around handles, if necessary.
  2. width="300"2. Soften the plastic outline using the hair dryer. This will make it much easier to cut.
  3. width="300"3. Use the box cutter to cut out the entrance. Use caution and be careful not to cut yourself! If plastic is too hard, repeat Step 2.
  4. width="300"4. Cover newly cut plastic with duct tape to smooth out the edges.
  5. width="300"5. Place tub sideways on top of the two 2x4s, and mark four holes for screwstwo on each plank.
  6. width="300"6. Drill pilot holes in tub.
  7. width="300"7. Scew in wood screws with drill.
  8. width="300"8. Put lid back on the tub, and you’re ready to place the feeding station outside.

TIP: Place feeding station on a slight incline so rain water will drain out the front. If ground is flat, add an extra piece of wood under the back of the feeder to create an incline.