How to save & take care of a kitten and feral cats - an advocacy tool kit

Haven Pet Center Clinic

Contact Information

Haven Pet Center Clinic

(951) 654-3110

Schedule Spay or Neuter- Click the appropriate online link to make an appointment. The schedule is available up to 90 days out. If no appointments are available, they are fully booked. Please check back later for availability. Low-Cost, High Quality Spay and Neuter by appointment only. Spay $100 Neuter $85. Community Cats: Feral cats must arrive in a trap. Normal pricing applies. Feral cats do not need an appointment. Drop-off time for feral cats is 8:30 am any day the clinic is open. Currently, they only accept 5 feral spay and neuter walk-ins per day. First come, first served basis.