Citizens have the right to know what happens in their animal shelters. Texas could take the next big step to improving shelter transparency and providing citizens with the knowledge they deserve.

Texas’ House Urban Affairs Committee is considering a bill, H.B. 1916, that would increase transparency in the state’s animal shelters. If enacted into law, H.B. 1916 would require animal shelters and releasing agencies to report monthly on the number of animals in their care, the reason for intake, and the disposition of each animal. The bill would also make these reports available to the public.

By mandating monthly reports, H.B. 1916 would ensure that animal shelters are held accountable to their communities and the animals they serve. Increased transparency also allows citizens to stay informed on exactly what is happening in those facilities. This enables Texas residents to support more humane animal shelter policies.

With 70 percent of cats in shelters still facing death, humane policies are more needed than ever. If you live in Texas, you can contact your legislators and tell them to support the Shelter Transparency bill.