Lost & Found Cat Resources for a feral cat

Alley Cat Allies Resources

Low-Cost Vet Care Directory Animal Food Bank Directory
Fact Sheet | Cats and Wildlife

The History of the Domestic Cat

Domestic Black Cat

Cats have lived outside among people for over 10,000 yearsindoor-only is a new idea! Learn about the history of cats, from wild cat to domestic companion.

Research | Cats and Wildlife

Junk Science Gets Cats Killed

Fact Sheet | Anti-Cruelty, Cats and Wildlife, Cats and the Law

Animal Cruelty Facts: Understanding the Law and the Link

Animal cruelty laws exist in all 50 states, however they are lacking. Learn what you can do to help your community.

Guide/How-to | Alley Cat Allies, Cats and Wildlife

Alley Cat Allies’ Ant Proof Bowl Recommendations

Ant-proof bowls are great for summer feeding! Learn the best ways and the right bowls to keep food and water free of bugs in warm weather.

Fact Sheet | Cats and Wildlife, Veterinarian Awareness

Biology and Behavior of the Cat

Fact Sheet | Cats and Wildlife

Humans: The Number One Threat to Wildlife

Leading biologists, climate scientists, and environmental watchdogs all agreehumans' own impact on the environment is without a doubt the number one cause of species loss.

Publications | Cats and Wildlife

Breaking Down the Bogus Smithsonian Catbird Study

As advocates for all animals, we were dismayed by the irresponsible and biased conclusions of a 2011 study on bird deaths from the Smithsonian Institution.

Research | Cats and Wildlife

University of Nebraska Is Wrong About Feral Cats

Research | Cats and Wildlife

Animals v. Animals: A False Choice

American Bar Association, Spring 2008 Committee News; Animal Law Committee Article by Wendy Anderson and Amy Vaniotis