What To Do If You Find a Cat Outdoors

The answer depends on the cat! Cats can have unique needs based on many factors, and we'll walk you through the basics in this quick guide.

TNR Scenarios: Tips for Cold Weather Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)

Yes, you can conduct Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) during the cold winter season, wherever in the world you live. In fact, it's one of the most important times of year to do so. Just follow our cold weather tips!

How To Keep Community Cats in an Area

By creating a welcoming space tailored to the needs and instincts of these independent kitties, you'll create an environment that's rewarding for both cats and people. Plus, you can get creative and have fun! Before we start to customize, let's go over the necessities for the perfect community cat environment.

Relocation: A Last Resort

The relocation of community cats, sometimes called feral cats, is a last resort. Relocating community cats should only be considered if a cat is in imminent danger.

What to Do if Neighbors Complain

When neighbors complain about community cats, it is important to swiftly address their concerns in a manner that is calm, productive, and oriented toward a peaceful solution. Every solution, however, should involve allowing the cats to remain in their outdoor homes.

Educating Others

They might know Garfield and Grumpy Cat, but even a big cat lover might not know about community cats. That's okay: YOU can teach them all about these wonderful felines and convert them to community cat lovers! But even if they aren't cat lovers and never will be, educating your neighbors about community cats will help them understand that Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) will help the communityand that it's something everyone can get behind.

Financial Resources for Cats

Caring for cats is rewarding, but it can also be expensive. If you feel like costs keep adding up, there are a lot of approaches and resources to help you fund your efforts, so you can get back to what you do bestcaring for cats!

Substitute Colony Care

What to Do if You Find Kittens Outdoors

If you find kittens outdoors who you think may be stray, lost or orphaned, it can be tempting to scoop them up and bring them indoors. Learn what you should do if you find a kitten outside.

Cold Weather Tips for Cats

Here are the best tips for keeping community cats, sometimes called outdoor or feral cats, warm and comfortable in the winter.